BLACFACS Black History Month Competition 2025

Celebrate Black History Month with BlacFacs and stand against efforts to erase our rich heritage. As programs supporting African Americans and marginalized communities face growing challenges, it’s more important than ever to take ownership of our history and culture.

BlacFacs, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, is dedicated to preserving and teaching Black history—and this February, we’re inviting you to learn, compete, and win!
Please see complete rules and instructions for competition before you begin.

How It Works

Join the BlacFacs Black History Month Competition for a chance to win cash prizes while deepening your knowledge. Participation is FREE, and donations help keep this initiative alive.

Register at
Take Quizzes – Complete at least 20 of 40 available quizzes between Feb 1 – Feb 28
Earn Points – The more quizzes you complete, the higher your score (max 1000 points)
Track Your Progress – Scores update on the leaderboard throughout the competition
Win Cash Prizes – Top scorers will receive:

  •  1st Place – $100
  • 2nd Place – $50
  • 3rd Place – $25
    (Prizes may increase based on donations – 50% of funds go towards prizes, the rest supports BlacFacs!)

Complete Rules and Instructions

  1. Registration: All participants must register on the platform to take part in the competition. Register on; (if you are already a registered user, simply log on.
  2. Quiz Participation: To qualify, participants must complete at least 20 of the 40 quizzes available between February 1 and February 28; The more quizzes taken, the higher the points possible (maximum number of points is 1000);
  3. Quiz Attempts: Each quiz can be taken multiple times, and only the highest score for each quiz will count. However, a single quiz can only be used once toward the required 20 quiz minimum;
  4. Score Tracking: Scores for every quiz attempt will be recorded on the platform and the highest scores will be viewed regularly on a leaderboard (maximum, 1000 points);
  5. Competition Deadline: Points will be totaled at 11:59 PM on February 28, marking the end of the competition and announced on March 1;
  6. Winners: The participants with the highest total points will be declared winners in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place. In the event of a tie, the prize(s) will be evenly split among the tied participants;
  7. Prizes: (minimum)—donations will determine final prize amounts as ½ donations will go towards prizes and ½ towards BlacFacs’ maintenance:
  • 1st Place: $100.00
  • 2nd Place: $50.00
  • 3rd Place: $25.00

Live results and scrores are shown below

RankPictureNameTotal Score